
How Kyler Quelch finds his own rhythm behind the reins.

We wish to thank Michael Woodward for producing this film clip profiling one of our riders. Watching him and listening to his mom brings all our works and beliefs to life.

Rhythm of the Rein Therapeutic Riding & Driving Program

By Eva Sollberger – Seven Days
This episode of Stuck in Vermont was made possible by
Hotel Vermont and New England Federal Credit Union

I cannot think of anything better for my son to experience than connecting with Ellie May, being with horses, helping out in the stable, and even getting a blue ribbon in competition. Thank you for making this possible!
Karen Schwartz
Our son has grown so much from his experiences from Rhythm of the Rein! Not only has he made huge strides in his motor coordination, muscle tone, and self-awareness, but his confidence and self-esteem have vastly improved! The patience and warmth of the staff and the wonderful horses has made physical therapy not a chore, but an activity that he always looks forward to.
Our daughter, Stella, was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder shortly after her second birthday. Stella also had significant gross motor delays. I had done some research on many therapeutic interventions for Stella. I knew very little about therapeutic riding but was excited to find Water Tower Farms. I called Diane Lashoones and she was so informative, knowledgeable, and compassionate. She promptly sent me information and we set up an initial appointment for Stella before her third birthday. Prior to starting therapeutic riding Stella could not walk across a room without falling. Stella went to two therapeutic riding lessons and never fell again. The strength that she gained was amazing! Therapeutic riding has been a part of Stella’s life for over six years. The integrity of the Rhythm of the Rein program is remarkable. The staff and volunteers have embraced Stella and have celebrated her milestones and have supported her when she had setbacks. Stella used to want to get off the horse before her session ended, now she cries when her session is over. She is so excited to go ride and she runs out of the car and into the barn. We are so thankful for what Rhythm of the Rein has not only given Stella, but our family as well, and we would be happy to discuss our experience with other families.
Lisa and Daniel Howarth

Equines, a wellness treatment for veterans.

Long time veteran volunteer Ernie and Tango’s Topper.

Dick Chase has been a volunteer and is a former member on the ROTR Board of Director. He started as a client at ROTR seeking help for depression and PTSD. According to Dick, his therapist at the time, Mady, was relentless in recommending he “just try” equine assistance therapy at Rhythm of the Rein. Because he was sick of listening to Mady’s persistent urging, he thankfully gave in, and his life was completely changed. Over the years Dick had been adamant that his connection with the horses and the wonderful people at Rhythm of the Rein saved his life. Dick is one of our best success stories and an invaluable ambassador for this program.


Rhythm of the Rein, Therapeutic Horsemanship in Marshfield Vermont
Rhythm of the Rein, Therapeutic Horsemanship in Marshfield Vermont

“I remember the smell of the wool blanket in boot camp. The smell of the chow hall food. The smell of the gas in the gas chamber as we took off our masks. The smell of the dirty water at the pier in Norfolk where the aircraft carriers were docked. The smell of the aircraft engines going to full afterburner just before they took off. The smell of the catapult as they left. The smell of the rubber tires as they landed back on board. The smell of the guns that fired and the smell of the cartridges that ejected the bombs they carried. The smell of the dirty bars I have been in around the world.  
 I remember the smell of a tank trail. The smell of the diesel fuel from a duce and a half ( 2 1/2 ton truck ) or a five ton or tank as it started and went down the road. The smell of a ruck sack on my back and the smell of an M16 as it fired on target from my hands. The smell of a GP medium ( small tent ) that I slept in. The morning dew on the grass as I woke. The smell of a tank turret I climbed in to repair. The smell of the metal, hydraulics, electronics that were inside. I remember smells.

I remember the smell of a friend I met at your ranch. I remember the smell of his coat. The smell of the stall he was in as I brushed him down and cleaned his hooves. The smell of the rope that I lead him around the barn with. The smell of the dirt in the barn as we walked around. I remember smells, I remember him. I have not forgotten Topper and will not. There are two horses that will stay with me forever. The other I call Duffis ( Stormy ). 
I am looking forward to the time when I can return to your ranch. I have not forgotten the smells.  I have not forgotten your ranch.”

~R Ryder


Rhythm of the Rein, Therapeutic Horsemanship in Marshfield Vermont
Rhythm of the Rein, Therapeutic Horsemanship in Marshfield Vermont

When we began offering services at the start of this century, one of our most memorable riders became the inspiration for our logo. This little three-year-old boy first came and started by meeting the horses, safely held in his dad’s arms. After thirty minutes of meet and greet with every horse in the barn, the  boy was introduced to his first horse to ride, Golden Heiress. Dad gently slid him onto Heiress’s back and stepped away. Blood curdling screaming threatened to bring the arena down. Dad plucked him off. A bit more holding and petting the horse, and dad popped him on again. This time he bolted. Left with a howling child, we looked at each other and said, “What do we do? Lets walk.”


With that very first step the crying stopped. A big smile spread across his face, staying there the entire lesson!


We appreciate the trust dad had in our instincts. He certainly had a good idea it would turn out well. This amazing boy took part with us for a long time. I connected with his family a few years ago and it thrilled me to hear he was a sophomore in college now! He is the perfect example of the benefits of “the Rhythm of the Rein.” He was a joy to have in our barn and an amazing ambassador for the great work our program does.

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